My Art!


This is a page showcasing the art I've done over the years, or at least what I could recover of it. A lot of it got lost between going through different devices, deleteing/remaking social media profiles, and just... generally being so self-critical that I erased a lot of it and meant for it to stay that way. This is also why you may see names that are not Jason. I went through a fucking journey trying to find my name.

But! We grow and learn and now I do not care how cringe some of this art is. It shows my growth, and for that I am proud.

This gallery is formatted from newest work to oldest. Hovering over the images will reveal them in color, and clicking on them will open the full-size file in a new tab; make sure to click to see all the details!

Image loading may be slow as I refuse to use webp format. Is it more efficient? Sure. Am I a stubborn ol' grouch who refuses to convert over 200 images and instead made the page load lazily (aka: only loading what's on the screen)? Absolutely. Please bear with me, we're here for a good time not a long one.