Art Gallery!


This is a page showcasing the art/projects I've done over the years, or at least what I could recover of it. A lot of it got lost between going through different devices, deleteing/remaking social media profiles, and just... generally being so self-critical that I erased a lot of it and meant for it to stay that way. But! We grow and learn and now I do not care how cringe some of this art is. It shows my growth, and for that I am proud.

That said: Due to the amount of images, I have opted to use proper/smaller thumbnails than on other pages, so make sure to click the images for the full resolution!

Digital Art

A collection of galleries featuring digital art I've made using a variety of programs. Things made prior to around 2020 were various free-to-use art programs (iirc, my preferred program was Fire Alpaca) and a Wacom Intuos tablet. Everything after that was made using ibisPaint on a Samsung Note 20.

2018 - Under a Different Name (Show/Hide)

2019 - Under a Different Name (Show/Hide)

2020 (Show/Hide)

2021 (Show/Hide)

2022 (Show/Hide)

2023 (Show/Hide)

2024 (Show/Hide)