

Full Name: Vera Lynn
Aliases: V, Lynn
Gender and Pronouns: Trans* Female; She/Xe
Place of Birth: Unknown, California, United States
Heritage: Afro-Indigenous (Chumashan and Mozambican)
Date of Birth: October 12th, 2049
Age: 28

Siblings: Children: N/A
Other Family: N/A

Allergies: N/A
Addictions: N/A
Mental Conditions/Disorders: N/A
Physical Conditions/Disorders: N/A


Features: Less angular, straight features with a defined, rectangular jaw, wide nose, and smaller eyes. Vera’s skin is noticeably textured, and she has patches of freckles along her shoulders, face, and arms due to frequent sun exposure.
Voice Claim: Kat Blaque
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Russet; Reddish-Brown
Hairstyle: Bushy coils worn in a loose afro.
Build: Athletic, on the muscular side, with slim shoulders, longer legs, and a less-defined hourglass shape.
Height: 5 feet and 10 inches (approx. 178 cm)
Weight: 156 pounds (approx. 71 kg)



Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Bisexual


Stats: Body (5), Intelligence (4), Reflexes (6), Tech Ability (4), Cool (3)


Vera grew up in the Badlands, having been part of the Bakkers nomad clan. The nomad family faced many hardships with the change in leadership that came with the death of Selita Bakker, the effective matriarch of the group. Those after her lost their grip on control quickly, most falling out of leadership before two years were able to pass. Unfortunately, the constant changes in leadership and abandonment by said members left numbers dwindling and supplies short. Vera helped where she could during this rough transitional period, taking on any work that was available, regardless of the consequences. She’s fought, stolen, and even killed, but eventually things came to a crossroads and there was only one viable option: Merge with Snake Nation. While the move would prove beneficial, the group’s size and confederation-esque structure made Vera feel uneasy. On the one hand, joining the Snake Nation’s ranks would allow her to remain with her family and would ensure their survival. On the other, they would lose that greater sense of family, being assimilated into the sea of nomads. Leadership would be distant; uninvolved in their lives, and unable to respond to their interpersonal needs. Ultimately, Vera left the family after it merged with Snake Nation, leading xem to search for a new life.

Not long after turning her back on the Bakkers, Vera made contact with Jackie Welles, who needed a nomad in order to smuggle Arasaka contraband across the Californian border to Night City. Whilst travelling to the meeting point, Vera was forced to stop at the Southern Californian town of Yucca to get xer car, the Rattler, repaired. After a local mechanic fixed it and the local sheriff kicked her out of the town, Vera contacted an old Bakker friend to locate Welles. As a last favor to Vera due to being family, he complied. Vera finally made contact with Jackie, and once she loaded the cargo on the Rattler, they went directly to the border crossing. They manage to cross without a hitch, but discovered it was all a trap. An Arasaka convoy was waiting for them on the other side of the border, forcing Vera and Jackie to flee at top speed with the Rattler through the Biotechnica Flats. After losing their tail and taking refuge in an abandoned garage, Vera and Jackie discovered that they were smuggling a living iguana. Though originally he planned on ditching them without their money, Jackie offered to help Vera set up in Night City and split their profit by selling the iguana to another party, which she accepted, leading to their friendship. Vera used the majority of her share to cover transitional costs. Vera was on a limited regulation of estrogen and had no transitional operations prior to moving into Night City, but spent a few weeks bunked with Jackie and his mom working odd jobs and familiarizing herself with the city.

Xe purchased an apartment in Northside and, through her work, eventually met Panam Palmer. The duo worked a few jobs together under Rogue’s wing, and Vera eventually (and informally) joined the Aldecado’s ranks. She spends the majority of her days outside of Night City, though occasionally returns between jobs.