Full Name: Vincent Hale
Aliases: V, Vin, Vinny
Gender and Pronouns: Genderqueer Transmasc; He/Him
Place of Birth: Night City, United States
Heritage: White American
Date of Birth: June 10th, 2049
Age: 27
- Edward John Hale (Father, Alive)
- Tiffany Monahan (Mother, Alive)
Children: N/A
Other Family: N/A
Allergies: N/A
Addictions: Nicotine (Smoking)
Mental Conditions/Disorders: C-PTSD, Body Dysmorphia
Physical Conditions/Disorders: Neurological Degeneration (Malfunctioning Relic Chip)
Features: Rounder, less-defined features with a wide nose, smaller, hooded eyes, and plump lips. Vincent has an array of cybernetics across his face and down his neck, as well as accenting along his right hand.
Voice Claim: Gavin Drea
Eye Color: Purple
Hair Color: Black
Hairstyle: Faded undercut with longer hair on top.
Build: Athletic, on the fuller side, with a broad torso.
Height: 5 feet and 0 inches (approx. 152 cm)
Weight: 119 pounds (approx. 54 kg)
- Arasaka Corporation (Former Employers, Rivals)
- Viktor Vektor (Close Friend, Ripperdoc, Alive)
- Jackie Welles (Close Friend, Verse Dependent)
- Guadalupe Alejandra “Mama” Welles (Close Friend, Alive)
Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Bisexual
STATS: Body (3), Intelligence (4), Reflexes (6), Tech Ability (3), Cool (6)
Vincent has a life coach, though he tends to deflect during sessions.
Vincent tends to swear more when in stressful situations.
Vincent was raised in a corporate family in Charter Hill, Night City. Vin trained in creating and maintaining intelligence networks, establishing defense of corporate assets in the event of armed conflict, crisis impact analysis. His superior, Arthur Jenkins, was a big reason Vincent was a high ranking counterintelligence operative agent in the Arasaka Tower, Corpo Plaza. He worked for the Arasaka Corporation and, over a two-year period of active duty, had completed six defensive and five offensive operations.
Vincent has spent years maneuvering through the competitive back-office scene in Arasaka, so he has first-hand experience when it comes to dealing with corporations. This means knowing how corpo agents operate; how they manipulate people. Unfortunately, all great things come to an end.
His last assignment was a full reconnaissance of an Asaraka facility in Watson. Vincent had tracked and intercepted a spy from Baskin Undercover Inc, the spy was suspected to have been working under Militech orders. Vincent had proven that he was an effective autonomous operative; Clever and ambitious, he was always committed to completing the assignments and never showed disloyalty to Arasaka. However, he showed high levels of stress. During the Frankfurt leak, Jenkins was tasked with dealing with the situation after assassinating a number of ESA representatives without the official approval of his superior, Vincent was tasked with assassinating his boss, Susan Abernathy, who had stolen his position and caused him too much trouble. Vincent called his street contact and old friend Jackie Welles to meet at Lizzie’s Bar. While there Vincent discussed the details of the job, however Jackie was not willing to do it, and did not want Vincent to go through with it either. During the conversation the two were cornered by Arasaka agents under Abernathy’s command, they stripped Vincent of their corporate status and took the information regarding Jenkins. Jackie intervened before they extract Vincent. With his life effectively over, Vincent was offered help by Jackie and was allowed to stay at his home until he got back on his feet.