Full Name: Virgil Hendrix
Aliases: Boss, Vi, Hendrix
Gender and Pronouns: Trans* Male; He/Xe
Place of Birth: Santo Ileso, Nevada, United States
Heritage: White American
Date of Birth: January 25th, 1997
Age: 25
- Jimmy James Hendrix (Father, Alive)
- Martina Hendrix (Mother, Alive)
Children: N/A
Other Family: N/A
Allergies: N/A
Addictions: Caffeine, Nicotine, Alcohol
Mental Conditions/Disorders: Antisocial Personality Disorder
Physical Conditions/Disorders: N/A
Features: Virgil has various piercings, including several in his ear and on his face. He has symmetrical tattoo sleeves on his arms, comprising various geometric designs, and a prosthesis on the lower half of his right arm. The prosthesis has a black forearm and a hand stained to match his skin. After being fired from Marshal, he receives a black start tattoo beneath his left eye, as well as a sword-in-heart style work both on his lower back and lower front abdomen, with the image mirroring itself.
Voice Claim: Adam Gold
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Purple-Teal Ombré (Dyed); Black (Natural)
Hairstyle: Shorter, straight hair swept to the side with an undercut.
Build: Athletic; Muscular and on the beefier side, with broad shoulders, strong legs, and a long torso. Virgil has a sturdy, less-defined inverted triangle shape.
Height: 5 feet and 8 inches (approx. 173 cm)
Weight: 165 pounds (approx. 75 kg)
- Eli (Close Friend, Roommate, Alive)
- Neenah (Close Friend, Roommate, Alive)
- Kevin (Close Friend, Roommate, Alive)
Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Bisexual; Polyamorous
The fastest way to get Virgil to do something is to tell him not to do it.
According to others, Virgil is "genially irresponsible, obstinate, outlandish, and dangerous".
Virgil has an impressive, and frankly concerning, knife collection. In fact, he adds to said collection after being fired from his position within the MDI. Neenah asks, "How many knives did you buy?" without a hint of self-awareness of how ridiculous the question is. But Virgil simply responds, saying "not enough," indicating he has many more blades to purchase.
Virgil was born and raised in Santo Ileso, living a fairly unremarkable life. Things, according to Virgil, were so boring that he decided to join the military in attempt to escape xyr corner of the county and see the world beyond. Unfortunately for him, his time in the service didn't quite go as planned. While xe got to travel, Virgil spent most of his time at military bases doing squat. Deciding to take advantage of his benefits, Virgil enrolled in higher education and set xyr sights on the private security sector. At some point in his service, Virgil realized that living as a woman was something that he couldn't bear doing any longer, though he kept his status as transgender hidden to avoid any undue attention (and a mountain of paperwork).
By the time Virgil found himself out of the military, discharged due to a severe incident resulting in losing his arm, he'd recently finished with college with a degree in Security Management.
Saddled with student debt, and growing transitional costs, xe came to Santo Ileso, where xe met his roommates (Eli, Neenah, and Kevin) and started working odd-jobs among the local underworld. He earned enough money to cover xyr share of the rent, but afford nothing else. During the months spent together, Virgil grows close with his roommates. They both agree, and eventually welcome both Eli and Neenah into it.
Later down the line, Virgil takes a job at Marshall Defense Industries as part of the company's paramilitary security forces. It’s not exciting work, but it pays well. And it lets Virgil do the things xyr good at (i.e. murder, mayhem, and unspeakable property damage). That said, it once again turns Virgil into a little cog in the big machine—and that is not something he's built to handle.
On his first day of work for Marshall Defense Industries, Virgil apprehends notorious bandit "The Nahualli", but is denied a performance bonus by their strict superior, Gwen Theriault. Nevertheless, xe returns to his apartment to celebrate their success with their friends and roommates: Eli, Kevin, and Neenah.
Virgil later helps Marshall recover a stolen Mayan artifact from a Los Panteros smuggling convoy, narrowly evading the gang's leader, Sergio Velez. Company founder Atticus Marshall praises Virgil for xyr performance, and promotes him to head of the museum's security ahead of an unveiling gala for the artifact. The Idols and Los Panteros both attack the gala to steal the artifact for themselves, with the former succeeding. Although Virgil saves the life of Marshall board member Myra Starr, xe is fired by Atticus for failing to protect the artifact.
The following evening, Kevin and Eli attend an Idols party at a local resort, which is attacked by Los Panteros. Eli is injured, and one of the Idols' leaders is killed by the four after Kevin refuses an order to kill his friends. With both the Idols and Los Panteros now targeting them, the group resolve to start their own criminal organization. They use an abandoned church as their headquarters, and adopt the moniker "The Saints".
The Saints take on the Idols and Los Panteros to gain territory, and to spite Marshall, Virgil helps Eli defeat Gwen in her favorite LARP tournament. To cover the operational costs, the group decide to rob a shipment of Federal Reserve cash onboard a train. Virgil breaks The Nahualli out of prison to assist the group with the heist, and they form a bond with him. Los Panteros also try to rob the train, but the Saints deal with them (with The Nahualli personally killing Velez) and escape with the money. Virgil and Kevin later steal the artifact back from the Idols' base of operations aboard a yacht, killing two more of the gang's leaders in the process.
Marshall's legal counsel approaches the Saints and informs them that the group's front companies have been legally declared Marshall subsidiaries, due to Virgil having signed a non-compete agreement upon their hiring. Virgil and Eli storm Marshall's headquarters to demand the return of their companies, but only find Myra Starr, as Atticus has already fled the building. Myra reveals her longstanding desire to usurp Atticus as the chairperson of the company, but explains that if Atticus were killed, the role would pass to his next of kin. Myra and Virgil collaborate to tank the company's stock price by using a Marshall tank to cause destruction in the city, triggering a vote by the board on whether to replace Atticus with Myra. The vote comes to a tie, which is broken when the Boss votes using a momentary seat granted by Myra. Atticus is set to be fired, though Virgil decides enough is enough and stands, killing him before the board, and Myra (now reluctantly) uses her new position to return the Saints' assets before parting ways with him.
Several months later, during a party hosted by the Saints celebrating their successes, The Nahualli returns to accept Virgil's invite to officially join the gang. However, while alone with Virgil, The Nahualli betrays and stabs him before explaining his jealousy of Virgil's life and his desire to replace xem. He then buries Virgil alive while his men attack the party and kidnap Eli, Kevin, and Neenah, whom The Nahualli subsequently forces to act as his friends. Surviving the burial, Virgil tracks The Nahualli to a vacant casino, where xe kills him and rescues his friends. The four then toast to their friendship while enjoying the sunset on the rooftop.