Alternate Universes


This is a directory for the Alternate Universes (AUs) that I write, whether they be established with my fellow writers, or ones I've thought up entirely on my own! The distinctions will be noted, and credit to other writers will be attributed as appropriate.


A small section explaining different alternate universes I have for my characters. These will be placed under Show/Hide boxes as there is a decent chunk of information written for each! Clicking on the names, or the arrow beside them, will toggle whether information is shown or hidden.

V; BLOOD TIES (Show/Hide)

After the events of Operation Kingslayer, Antonia "Nomad" Perryman is reached out to by Karen Bowman regarding whispers of a rising revolution in the country of Yara. Seeing as the Central Intelligence Agency cannot spare Willis Huntley after he'd "gone dark in the state of Montana", and realizing the balance of power is more delicate than the situation in Bolivia, it's decided that Nomad will be traveling alone. This postpones her tour to the Middle East, leaving Walker, Vaughn, and Josiah Hill to begin their operations and await her deployment at a later date.

Ultimately, the story goes a little something like this:

American interest means American surveillance, which in turn means American support to the revolutionary forces... at least until they get their hands on what it is they're really after. Libertad leader, Clara Garcia, rightfully declines the deal with great suspicion. But second-in-command and former CIA asset Juan Cortez is more than willing to take the money (as shown by alleged attempts to branch connections out and cut a deal with Canadian senator Sean McKay). So, when Bowman re-opens some cold files and makes the call, he's glad to accept the offer and help devise a plan to slip Nomad into the country solo.

So, one day, an American "tourist" and proposed close friend of Cortez shows up on the coasts and is put into contact with Dani Rojas (among others) through Cortez's recommendation. Given their similar backgrounds and mutual connection to Huntley, the ruse is set; it's believable enough that their rapport is comfortable as they play it up to be. Yet beneath cheery war stories and shared drinks is a clever plan to ensure Antón Castillo is taken down once and for all. In exchange for funding, and a capable set of extra hands, any information available about Castillo, his advisors, and McKay is forwarded to Bowman's hands.

V; DREADWOLF (Show/Hide)

Rather than send their best Dalish rogue to spy on the meeting at the Temple of Sacred Ashes, Keeper Deshanna Istimaethoriel Lavellan has chosen to send her Second, Isemaya Lavellan. During this meeting, things are quick to go south before information is collected. A vicious rapture falls upon the Temple, leaving Isemaya the sole survivor among the sea of corpses hailing from the Chantry, the Templar Order, and the Mage Rebellion. Finding herself with no memory of the events, and a mysterious magical mark on her right hand, Isemaya is tasked with the responsibility of saving Thedas and closing the Breach once and for all.

Throughout this journey, Isemaya finds herself at the side of Solas, an Elven mage much like herself. The two develop a slow-burn relationship, with Isemaya promising that she will protect him (among other mages, such as herself) from judgment and discrimination within the Inquisition, and with Solas providing her insurmountable knowledge regarding the rifts and the Fade. As vibrant as this romance blossoms, it comes to an equally flourished end. After the salvation of Thedas, Isemaya must address ensure the Inquisition's permeability with the land's governing bodies. Things, unsurprisingly, take a turn, and lead the woman to follow a trail of disaster and ruin, only to find Solas at the end of it all.

Mentally and physically drained from the influence of Fen'Harel, the elven god of betrayal or rebellion, Isemaya finds herself face-to-face with a number of Qunari turned to stone. Solas can be heard in the distance, speaking Qunlat. Isemaya makes their way through the Qunari statues to find Solas and another individual, Viddasala, alone. Switching back to the Common Tongue, Solas asks her to tell the Qunari to trouble him no further, then turns his back on her. Unwilling to comply with his demands, Viddasala readies herself to throw a spear at him. Before she can finish, Solas' eyes flash blue and she is turned to stone, as were the other Qunari. Horrified, Isemaya approaches Solas, but another flare from the Anchor makes her fall to her knees before him. Once Solas makes the Anchor stop acting up, they proceed to have a conversation.

It is in the moments that he looks over her that the realization strikes Isemaya: Solas is not an agent of Fen'Harel, but Fen'Harel himself.

During the conversation, Solas reveals that he was Solas first, and that Fen'Harel came later. It was a title given to him as an insult, though he himself wore it as a badge of honor. After the Evanuris murdered Mythal and threatened to destroy the entire world, he resolved to banish them permanently by creating the Veil. This caused the downfall of the elven people, destroying countless marvels dependent on the Fade like the Vir'Dirthara and taking away the elves' immortality. When Solas woke up from his slumber, only a year before joining the Inquisition, he was horrified by the consequences of his actions, feeling like he was walking through a world full of Tranquil. Solas had hopes for restoration, however. His plan was to use the Anchor to enter the Fade and tear down the Veil. It went awry because he needs someone to bear the damage of the first unlocking of the anchor, and had not foreseen a Tevinter magister having unlocked the secret of effective immortality. He joined the Inquisition because he thought it was the best chance for the people of Thedas. He will also reveal that he has spies of his own in the Inquisition, like the guard who first led the Inquisitor to the dead Qunari in the Winter Palace, and found the Qunari spy with the gaatlok barrel. Though his plan to restore his people will cause the destruction of the current world, Solas would not see them fall under the Qun, as he would rather see them die in comfort.

Once the conversation is exhausted, the Anchor will flare up again. To save the Inquisitor's life, Solas takes the Anchor, along with their left forearm, and leaves through the eluvian (which are now back in his control.) Much as Isemaya pleaded through furious tears for him to reconsider, Solas refused once more, convinced that he must destroy the known world to repair the Veil and save the Elves. With one last kiss, Solas says his final goodbyes and left her with a dying arm. Eventually, the Fade overtook her and resulted in the loss of her left forearm.

Once meeting with the Council and maintaining the Inquisition, Isemaya dejectedly returns to Clan Lavellan's home territory to say her own goodbyes. Abandoning her clan, and her family, Isemaya dedicates herself to the Inquisition. And to chasing down Solas before he can destroy their world.

[ To potentially be continued with the release of Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. ]

V; LOST CARGO (Show/Hide)

Born and raised in the area outside of Edge Knot City, Imani and her family worked to supply the UCA with crops and materials as able to gather. Imani and her twin brother, Ian, both suffer from a low-level case of DOOMs, it having been passed down from her their father, who contracted the illness from frequent exposure to chiralium during his early work with the UCA (prior to when he met the kids' mother). In Imani's case, she can vaguely sense the BTs, able to know the proximity but not the direction. Likewise, she cannot see them.

In her early 20s, Imani took up work with the UCA as a porter, and began traveling across the continent (though initially staying relatively local) delivering various goods and necessities. Unfortunately, while away delivering crucial research materials, tragedy struck and the family got separated when the separatist group, the Homo Demens, attacked the city and used necrosed corpses to create voidouts, and separate the area from the rest of the continent via a tar pit. All contact from the Chiral Network was lost, and Imani to this day wonders if her family managed to be spared from the chaos.

Throughout the events of Death Stranding, Imani can be seen traveling between Mountain Knot City and South Knot City, continuing her work as a Porter and trying to gain insight into the status of Knot City. Imani has also begun preparing for her own excursion toward Knot City, compiling a plethora of supplies and raw materials in the event news breaks of the city's status. When Sam makes the journey east, Imani follows (whether by his side or on his trail).

V; NEW ECHELON (Show/Hide)

After the events on the Auroa Archipelago, Antonia "Nomad" Perryman has had several realizations about her career as a Ghost. Though (mostly) satisfied with her work within team environments, and her adoration for Team Kinglslayer and Team Greenstone, the feud between herself and Walker has left a bitter taste in her mouth. On top of that, the dawning realization that it's likely Operation Greenstone was truly about assassinating Walker (as opposed to aiding the people of Auroa) has made her fed up with the red tape surrounding it all.

Following through on sentiments expressed by Sam Fisher during their cooperation during Operation Checkmate, Antonia has turned her back on the Ghosts and enlisted within the Fourth Echelon program.

V; RELIC (Show/Hide)

A basic, shifting AU that swaps which of my three Vs is the "main" V (aka: the one who gets stuck with the Relic chip). Details are TBD, but the world state and ending paths are drastically different from those within the usual timeline.


Sacrificing themselves for the good of the Capital Wasteland, Otsune Tomo was quick to succumb to the radiation within the Jefferson Memorial. With the waters of the wastes purified, the deaths of those she held close, the Brotherhood's sudden move toward militarization, Dr. Madison Li knew that she needed to leave. This was cemented by allegations of many prominent members of the Brotherhood believing her to be a security risk that must be "taken care of".

Dr. Li requested one last favor of Lyons' Pride: Exhume the Lone Wanderer's body, and prepare it for travel alongside her.

With Tomo in tow, Dr. Li found herself at the doorstep of the Institute, a scientific haven responsible for the creation of synthetic mankind. She embarked on scientific endeavors she had only dreamed of, eventually finding herself in the position of Director of Advanced Systems. Using her newfound privilege, Dr. Li was able to resurrect Tomo from the dead in the form of a synth sometime between 2278 and 2280. She personally oversaw the project, keeping Tomo (Designation T7-21) close as they navigated their memories and learned the intricacies of their newfound life. Once it was believed they would suffice on their own, and with an increasing lack of transparency from the Intitute's heads, Dr. Li sent Tomo to the Commonwealth to live a free life. The lone wanderer resides in a settlement near the Cambridge Institute of Technology, just within the doctor's reach and just out of sight to any prying eyes from within the Institute.


Following counter-terrorism operations in the Middle East, Team Kingslayer (Antonia, Holt, Midas, and Weaver) finds themselves reunited off the shore of Aurora, a remote island cluster in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean and near the South Pole. Accompanied by 28 other Ghosts, the team has been assigned to investigate the lack of communication following the mysterious sinking of the USS Seay. When approaching the perimeter of the archipelago, the helicopters transporting the Ghosts were taken out by a drone storm, leaving only a handful of the platoon alive. It was during this crash that Team Kingslayer died, their bodies being recovered by a team of Sentinels. Their corpses, now in possession of Leon "The Strategist" Fairrow, would become a part of the Source Code project.

The Source Code project is a joint effort by the Sentinels and the U.S. Military to design the ultimate counter-terrorism weapon. In theory, this code would allow the transference of consciousness between two corpses, allowing trained military professionals killed in the line of fire to continue serving their country by reliving terror attacks and identifying the individuals responsible.

What the people responsible for the project don't know, however, is that this code can be altered from within, allowing Team Kingslayer to create alternative timelines and, in theory, change history. The possibilities are endless...