The Night the Lights Went Out (OTP: Quantum Impact)

The Night the Lights Went Out (OTP: Quantum Impact)


SUMMARY: — Antonia Perryman (Nomad) / Cole D. Walker —

It was unlikely there would ever be agreement on how the issue of Junior Lieutenant Vaughan would be solved, but a rising conflict leads to a spur-of-the-moment decision being made. Unfortunately, this decision has opened a can of worms Nomad isn't sure she's ready to swallow. As for Walker? He couldn't be any more sure than he was at that moment.

The shot rang out before the solider could get another word in, and the silence that followed was deafening.

It was only broken by the ragged breaths the apparent target had let slip past her lips as grey eyes darted to her companion. She watched his armed hand fall to his side, smoke still hot as it floated off the barrel of his revolver. She watched the back of his head remain steadfast, knowing his gaze was focused on the pool of crimson that sept into the floorboards by his feet. Her gut twisted.

"Walker, what... the hell did you do? He was done!"

"Well, now he's done." Walker's voice was flat. Far from reassuring.

Antonia stood straighter as he finally peeled his gaze from the dead soldier on the ground, turning his body toward her as an unfamiliar expression crossed his rugged features. She studied it, watching the way his lips threatened to curl upward. Watching how a deep scowl settled in those dark eyes of his. He looked not like a man, but an animal. A wolf, snarling over its claim and slow to ease as a realization settled into the air.

He believed had done his job. No more, no less.

"Besides," he began, stalking toward the doorway and briefly pausing before his companion, "If I didn't kill that worthless pog, the whole village might have come after us."

An airy scoff left Antonia as he stepped past her, shoulders brushing as she lingered in her place. Without him there, she could see it all much more clearly. See how the younger man stared at the wall to his side, eyes wide and lifeless. A single wound was all that remained, drawing her gaze to his features. Forever horrified by what was to come. He would know no peace, not even in the afterlife (if there even was one). Her mouth struggled to call out, body turning and arm raising in an attempt to grab at the other's uniform. Yet she was unsuccessful, as Walker had already breached the door frame and found his way out of the room.

"Hey—This isn't right, Walker!" Antonia shook her head and turned on her heel, stomping toward the door, only to stop and spare one last look to their fallen comrade. Her mind raced, breaths growing heavy as she tried to wrap herself around what to do.

Did she radio it in to base? Did she try to move him? Try to close his eyes and stop that damned stare? How would they explain this away? Could they even? Fuck, what was the court going to think of this? She's an accessory. She could have stopped it.

She could have stopped it.

Walker waited by the entrance to the building, weapon holstered and arms tucked over his chest. Much as he wanted, there was no sense in leaving her behind. They needed to get back to base together, or too many flags would raise. Explaining one disappearance was hard enough; trying to explain two, only for one member to show up screeching and hollering was in a whole other league. So when Antonia came stomping out, fire in her eyes, he was glad to see she was still coming along for the ride.

"You ready?—"

"Don't. Fuck, Walker, what the hell were you thinking? And don't give me some short answer. You know the kind of shit you've just put us in? Killing a senator's son? Shooting him execution style? How the hell do you explain that?"

"Like you do every other goddamn time we kill someone. Vaughan was being a jackass, threatening our lives, and we responded accordingly. Ain't no different than taking pot shots at whatever bastards show up on the radar."

It was Antonia's turn to scowl, lips curling as she scoffed. She was stunned. Truly stunned. She couldn't help the curt laugh that slipped out. Her head shook in disbelief, hands raising from her sides as she tried to grasp the logic.

"Really? Because from where I'm standing, it sure as hell looks different. He was done, Walker. Done." She grimaced, looking over her shoulder to the long, dark hallway. "He fired, missed, and was disarmed. You could tell the spoiled bastard realized his fuck-up."

"And if he didn't?"

"Then I get shot. You act like I haven't been shot at before— ... That's what this is about, isn't it?"

Walker tilted his head, brows furrowing as he tried to follow the sudden jump in tone.

"The hell you talking about, 'that's what this is about'?"

"You wouldn't have given a shit if he shot at you. Hell, you'd probably egg him on. I would've. So, what, you think I can't defend myself? Think because you dragged me out of fire once, you gotta do it every time—"

"That's different, too."

"Like hell it is!"

An uncomfortable silence followed the sudden outburst. Antonia stepped back, adding distance between the pair as she looked around the entryway. Searched for anything else to focus on as she simmered. Walker simply sunk back into his position against the wall, head turning and fixating on the crusted stucco. He shook his head, sighing as he scratched at his arm.

Damn her for knowing him so well.

He would never admit it, but she was right. The sight of her bleeding out, blindly firing ahead as he dragged her into cover haunted him. She was pale as a ghost, color draining quickly as her uniform blossomed with crimson. Her breaths were ragged; strained. There was too much fire to stop and render aid. The best he could do was set her down against the wall and cover her with his own body, leaning over her as he fired out the window. To simply watch as she looked up at him with panic in those collected eyes of hers. She was dying, and the best he could do was sit with his gun in his hands and hope she held out until it all died down. Of course that bothered him! Why the hell wouldn't it have?

And now? With that spoiled army brat having aimed right for her head? Being pissed off was the only valid reaction in his eyes. Vaughan tried to kill her, and he'd saved her.

He did his job, and nothing more.

"... Toni."

The soldier's head practically snapped back to him, her expression only softening as she saw his expression falter. As she processed that he'd spoken with that softness he only shared with her. She sighed, closing her eyes and taking a breath as she finally let her defense down. Her shoulders slouched as she let out a long sigh. Wordlessly, she approached him. Closed the distance between them as her hand found his. As her hand pulled his away from his chest, coaxing his fingers to intertwine with hers as she offered a gentle squeeze.

"This is the last time, Walker. I can't keep covering your ass."

"... I know."

"So... here's the plan. We go back. You tell... whatever justification you think up on the drive back. I won't testify if they ask me to. Something about the situation fucked up me, and I'm too out there to pull something coherent. I'm due another psych eval anyway."

Her laugh was dry, shrouded by pain as it settled on her tongue. Still, it brought a small grin to the other's lips. Encouraged him to squeeze her hand and slowly guide it closer. She followed, setting her free hand on his shoulder before withdrawing entirely.

"Want me to drive?"

"Please..." Antonia nodded once more. "Need some time to just... think this through."


The pair left without another word. Spent the long ride back to base in silence, opting to let the chilled desert air seep in through the windows and fill the space between them.