Sovngarde's Song (OTP: Blood and Steel)

Sovngarde's Song (OTP: Blood and Steel)


SUMMARY: — Ishza V'atze (Dragonborn) / Uthgerd the Unbroken —

After a long period of uncertainty, and one fighting off the remnant dragons that guarded the portal, the Dragonborn and her trusted companion unite once more. The sky clears, and peace has claimed Skyrim.

The Nord's warhammer swung viciously at the crawling draugr, chest heaving as the sound of its skull broke beneath her foot. Blood splattered against the frozen stone, crimson droplets solidifying in place and leaving behind an oddly attractive pattern. Strands of blonde fell against the warrior's rough features, eyes scanning the closed mound behind her. Still nothing. Time itself felt frozen, even as the chilled winds halted and the sun began to settle behind the peak of the island's mountains. If Ishza didn't come back soon, Uthgerd swore on whichever Divine listened that she would—

No. She wouldn't do a damned thing, would she? She wanted to. She was capable of doing so. But she couldn't. Mad as she was—or perhaps worried was the better term—Uthgerd knew well that she wouldn't be able to truly raise her hand against her companion. It wouldn't be right. Even when they had come toe to toe with one another, it was all in good fun. A friendly bar brawl, initiated by the Nord's eager sense to prove herself worthy.

"100 gold says I knock your hide to the ground". Her demeanor shifted. Shoulders squared as she sat forward in her seat, allowing her gaze to pierce that of the newcomer's. She wasn't afraid of a scrawny welp such as her, not even with that peculiar, hungry look in her eyes. If anything, it'd added more to the challenge. Allowed Uthgerd the opportunity to wipe that brazen confidence clean from the Redguard's face.

"You're on."

It was over quicker than it'd begun. Uthgerd wiped at the blood oozing from her nose, only pausing as the other crouched to her level and offered a hand. Her grin was softer; gentle as the hand she offered. Vibrant, tanned skin blossomed with bruises, but that didn't deter Ishza from closing some distance between them. Didn't deter her from helping the warrior up, either. The crowd murmured with curiosity as they shared a hearty embrace, each draping an arm over the other's shoulder as they laughed and reconciled.

"Now that's what I call a punch! You got me."

"I think I've earned that 100 gold," the Redguard teased, leaning back in the chair opposite Uthgerd's as they reclaimed the corner table.

"You're no liar. That was the best fight I've had in years." A pause as the Nord leaned to grab a small pouch of gold. She sat it on the table with a small grin of her own. "There you are."

Humorous as the memory was, it stung to think about now that things were so... uncertain. Uthgerd couldn't help but turn her gaze toward the portal's location once more, hoping to see something. To see any sign that Ishza was returning from the fight. Had that damned Dragon Priest not gotten a hit on her armor, Uthgerd would have been right there with the Dragonborn as she took on Alduin once and for all. But it seemed the universe had other plans for the warrior, as before she could call out to Ishza and warn her of taking the leap alone, she saw the woman throw herself from Nahkriin's altar. She cursed at the display of weakness still, even as the skies began to settle. Scowled as the thunderous roars in the distance came to a halt. Though her sulking didn't last long as, just before she'd turned her gaze back to the horizon, she caught a shimmering light emerge from the cracks. Roughened hands adjusted themselves on the hilt of her weapon, stance shifting as she prepared herself. Worst case scenario, she would die a swift death attempting to bring down the World Eater as he emerged from his grave. But that was all that mattered, that she would die fighting. The ground trembled beneath her feet, stone pillars dropping bouts of debris as the portal reopened and let forth a whirlwind of energy. The light was suddenly blinding, causing the Nord to step back as she attempted to shield her gaze.

And then, stood before her like an agent of the Aedra, basked in a poly chromatic glow, was Ishza.

The Dragonborn took a deep breath as she felt her life being returned to her, hands working hastily to sheathe her scimitars to clutch at the bunched fabric on her chest. Her head turned this way and that, eyes darting along the stars to search for any disturbances. Was there something there? Were Alduin's dragons still waiting for her return? Oh, gods, what about Uthgerd? She practically leapt down the altar steps, stumbling as her eyes adjusted to the darkened environment.

"Uthgerd? Uthgerd!—"

"Is there something you need?"

A weight fell from the Dragonborn's shoulders as she rubbed at her eyes, finally getting them to adjust and spot the warrior stood before her. Then she beamed, throwing herself at the unsuspecting warrior and pressing her cheek against the cold steel plate.

"Easy, easy... It's alright. I took care of everything here." Her voice was soft as she allowed herself this moment of intimacy. Allowed a bit of warmth to seep past that rigid exterior. "Are you alright? You're not hurt, are you?"

"No, I—I don't think so. I think whatever injuries I had were healed when I was tossed back here." Ishza peeled herself away from her companion, stepping back as she gave herself a precursory look over. Well, she had all of her limbs. Her clothing was still in once piece. That would have to be enough, for now anyway. "You?"

"The heat of battle is the fire that forges the strongest blades."


The Nord laughed as she returned her warhammer to its spot on her back. "Relax, I'm fine. Nothing more than anything I've experienced on the roads with you. So... is it done?"

"Yeah, it's done. Alduin's dead. For good, this time. None of this... Sending him forward in time and letting the next person deal with it stuff."

"I can't believe it... Then...?"

It was Ishza's turn to pause, hesitancy crossing her features as she attempted to follow Uthgerd's response. Then, what? Would they be safe? Considerably more so, but there was never a chance they would be entirely. Would their alliance be over? Absolutely not. Perhaps she was simply asking for their next steps. That seemed the most logical, even if a stirring feeling in the Dragonborn's gut told her otherwise.

"We should head back to Paarthurnax. Tell him it's done. Then... Maybe we head to the closest inn and celebrate the victory, the true Nord way. You can hold your mead, yeah?"

"Depends on the day." Uthgerd smiled, to which Ishza smiled back. "But I have a good feeling about today. Come on, let's go before it gets too dark."