Who is Commander Shepard? A Series of Interview-based Questions, Answered (Mass Effect)
DISCLAIMER: This will be a long read, as it encompasses well over 100+ questions. Also any ME3/finale oriented questions are answered from the perspective of Eden living through the canonical events, so it's kind of an AU in that regard. But it's not important, we stay silly.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Mentions of War / Typically-Associated Topics, Mentions of Queerphobia (Particularly Transphobia), and similarly upsetting topics. This list is subject to change as the page is updated.
This is a living / continually updating page focusing around a series of interview-based questions by Tumblr user spookyvalentine. They created numerous sets of questions focused around Commander Shepard and the Mass Effect franchise, and I have decided to treat them as something of an interview. While I initially answered the first set of 50 questions on my personal blog from a meta perspective, I felt that this could be a fun approach to take with it.
So! That is exactly what I did. All questions from the post series will be implemented, and answers will eventually be placed in.

Hello! How are you today?

I'm doing well.

That is great to hear! Would you mind answering a few questions for our viewers?

Sure, I don't see why not.

Incredible. Now, I'll be reading these off a list of submissions we have received by viewers. Starting off: Why did Shepard enlist? Any regrets?

Well, the Alliance has had my back my entire life. My mother and father were both enlisted, and made lifelong careers out of it. Hard not to wanna sign up when it's all you've known. Not saying that's a bad thing, either. Of course, serving for so long and over so many missions, I have my share of regrets. Anybody who says otherwise is lying. However, at the end of the day, the best thing any Alliance solider can do is move on from those mistakes.

I see, thank you for sharing. How does Shepard feel about having a yeoman assigned to them in 2? And in 3?

Well... I wasn't expecting it, honestly. Yeoman Chambers is a great woman, and she is more than capable of handling things. I'm used to working alone, though. It took us some time to warm up to one another, but I couldn't have asked for a better assignment.

She is quite the skilled yeoman, if what I've seen is true. Speaking of crew: What's their relationship with Anderson?

Captain Anderson is someone who has propelled my career. I would not be where I am now without him, as much as he hates me saying that. Sorry, 'dad'. In all seriousness, Anderson is someone that inspired... inspires, everything I do. He's a direct leader, but he doesn't put himself above his soldiers like so many others do. And knowing that he was a candidate for the Spectre program? That he turned down that role and chose me, of all people, to fulfill it? I wanted to be like him when I grew up, and he's always told me to be better. Whether or not that's true is... still up for debate.

He sounds wonderful, and I'm sure he would say the same about you. To take a brief step away from the interpersonal questions, the viewers are dying to know: Is Shepard any good at poker?

Absolutely not. It's become a bit of a joke within the crew that the quickest way to rob me blind is to challenge me to a game of poker. The hardest part of that, though, is getting me to say 'yes' to playing a game. Blackjack, though? Good luck beating me there.

Well, there you have it folks. Get Shepard to play poker and you'll be the richest person on the Citadel. You mentioned it being a joke among the crew, so I have to ask: How well does Shepard know their crew? Not just the companions, but the folks making up the Normandy?

Not well, unfortunately. I wish I'd known some of them more. My line of work is just challenging. Missions and leads pull me left and right, really limiting the amount of time that I can call 'downtime'. Even when I'm not on the field, I'm organizing requisitions, taking inventory of the Normandy's resources, trying to keep myself in shape and cared for... I don't do it alone, though. Dr. Chakwas loves to remind me when I'm overdue a break.
In terms of the team, what many call my companions, I'm a lot closer with them as our work overlaps. I'd say most of them are good friends of mine, and would vouch for them if need be.

Even your alien and non-human companions? Like EDI: What was the initial reaction to EDI? Did it change?

Well, it's understandable that in the case of EDI, there was some hesitation. Not only did she appear under my temporary alliance with Cerberus, but AI in itself has been a hushed topic within the Alliance. I mean... we heard what happened to the Ryder family once their own project came to light. Joker certainly didn't make the process any easier, and I have mitigated my fair share of arguments between the duo.
But, as a commander, I tried to keep an open mind, and I did end up enjoying EDI's company. There was a brief period, when she'd first found a body, that I was a little hesitant again. But EDI has been a wonderful addition to the team, and has proven herself more than capable of serving by my side.

It sounds like you two have become quite close, and I hope this can bridge the gap with the advancements being made. Digging in a little, are you spoken for? If so: Does their love interest move into their quarters?

Oh, no, I'm not romantically involved with anybody in the crew. I just find it... inappropriate? Questionable might be the better word. Dynamics aside, having a close relationship to that degree in my line of work is tough at best and dangerous at worst. Making one public would be even moreso. My crewmates have enough targets on their back, and I certainly have my fair share as well, and I just. I don't want to put people in harm's way through associating with me. If I were to find myself involved with anybody, I wouldn't be open about it.
Editor's Note: Rumors suggest Commander Shepard is involved with her right-hand man, Staff Lieutenant Kaidan Alenko. He has refused to comment on these rumors.

I understand. I'll try to avoid any further questions about your love life, though I can't promise there won't be more flowing in. This next question may also be sensitive, but: What is their reaction to the Alchera mission? And after?

Alchera... The S1 crash site. Yeah, that's a pretty sensitive question. I lost a lot of good crew that day, and going to find a spot for the memorial was challenging. I noticed there were still tags there, and I... made it a goal to return them to their families. It's the right thing to do, damned be the memories that came back during their collection. I went on my own, did what needed to be done, and took some time to let everything settle.

I'm sorry to have brought up any bad memories. You did the right thing, and I'm sure the families of the fallen are thankful for your efforts. Let's try to lighten things up!
The viewers want to know more about you as an individual. Can you tell us: What type of fighter is Shepard? Do they fight with honor, or do they fight dirty?

It all depends on circumstance. There are fights you can fight fair, and there are ones you can't. I try to keep things clean and fair as I can, but... Sometimes doing the right thing morally means getting your hands a little dirty.

That it does. Politics be damned, right? And what about this: Does Shepard keep any pets? A hamster, fish, something else?

Mhmn, no pets. Once the Normandy got an upgrade and there was an aquarium placed in my quarters, I considered filling it up with some fish from the Citadel. Time constraints, though, got in the way and I decided it'd be better off I just don't. I'd fear they wouldn't get the care they needed.

How sweet. And speaking of caring for others: What order does Shepard pick up companions in me2?

As much as I hated it being this way, I had to come across people in the most... time efficient way. If I was heading somewhere, I would circle back around and provide what aid I could. If I remember, the order was: Zaeed, Mordin, Garrus, Kasumi, Grunt, Jack, Samara, Thane, Tali, and Legion.

And with how close you've said you were to many of the crew: Does Shepard have any nicknames? What do they think of them?

No nicknames really. Most people tend to stick with Shepard, or shorten it down to Shep. I don't really mind.

No nicknames, huh? Interesting. Then how else are we bonding with the crew? How does 'Shep' react to teasing/ribbing?

Oh, it depends. I lean into it most of the time. Some commanders would disagree with how loose the jokes fly with the crew, but I enjoy it. Hell, I even let opposition get away with it, but only because I know how to dish it back. Does that escalate things? ... Sometimes.

Ooh, now we're getting somewhere. Any good at flirting, then?

You would think, wouldn't you?

Maybe so, maybe so. In terms of appearance, besides that radiant personality, what makes you you? What colors does Shepard prefer for their armor?

Standard issue. Boring, I know, but I don't exactly put much thought into my physical appearance in general. It doesn't matter as much in the grand scheme of things.

You know, that's an interesting way to look at it. Now, this may be a bit of a hot topic quesiton, but since we're speaking about how you come across to others: Is Shepard a drinker? History of other substances? Do they struggle with sobriety?

Hm. If it's so important to know, the time I was placed on investigative leave was... rough. I did fall into the bottle a little, with having nothing to do and having every eye in the Alliance on me. Sometimes you just get lost in thought, and need a way to quiet it. I've drank casually prior to that, but it's not exactly something I'm proud of.

Hey, it happens. But these kinds of things can garner some unsavory attention, or just attention in general. So tell me: How does Shepard react to attention? Do they enjoy it?

I hate being the center of attention. Genuinely. Kind of funny, all things considered, but I just... I don't like having a bunch of eyes on me. Don't like being scrutinized and picked apart. Yet here I am, putting myself in front of the whole galaxy. Storming into the Council's chambers to raise noise about the Reaper threat. It all makes me uneasy.

Well, it seems to have worked so far! If you were having any issues with being in the spotlight, I couldn't tell. But who else would you want out there? Who's the dream team? Which companions does Shepard fight best with, and why?

All of them are worthy of a spot up here with me, it's hard to really pit one against the other. But if I had to pick... In terms of both ability and chemistry, Kaidan and Garrus. Having two biotic foot soldiers backed by a sniper provides for really good adaptability in the field, allowing us to handle most situations as is. We all share a really good bond with one another, which makes communication a breeze. If I have to take the quiet route, I'll switch out Kaidan for Tali and/or EDI, so we have a few more options tech-wise.

Fair enough, everyone has to play to their strengths. On the other end of the spectrum: Are there any companions Shepard just absolutely cannot vibe with or relate to?

I've made amends where they needed to be made, but there's a few companions that it took some extra work to properly work together with. It's less incompatible ability than it is just the wrong energy.
The way Miranda handled my doubts in Cerberus' intentions rubbed me the wrong way, and we often get into quarrels about it. That said, I'm still thankful for Miranda's involvement in bringing me back, and did try to help out with her sister. I wish things had ended better there.
Mordin's kinda similar in that regard, though it's his blind support for the genophage. Dismissing the impact of the event and the concerns of the krogan all-together rubbed me the wrong way. Especially given Mordin's role in it. He came around in the end, but... still.
And Zaeed... Oh him and I bump heads quite a bit. It usually starts with us casually shooting the shit, but his lack of regard for things and my, admittantly, stubborn nature tended to create a bad mix. Hell, when helping him with his loyalty mission, I almost left him under the rubble. But I knew it wouldn't make me feel better, and I needed all the help I could get in taking on the Collectors, so I helped him up and convinced him to tag along regardless.

Very interesting. Jumping around a little: Does Shepard enjoy looking for resources and upgrading gear, or do they see it as a chore?

It's still work, but I actually enjoy the menial tasks like that to a degree. It's one of the few times I can actually take a step back and really see the universe for what it is. To take a break from all the near-death experiences, and really take my time in traveling between systems and exploring them. Plus, it gives us the things we need to keep going. Can't exactly go wrong there.

Right, right. And thinking about things on that grand scale, are there any alternative lives you could see yourself living? (AKA: Do you have any AUs for your Shepard?)

Not... really, no. I haven't given it much thought.

I think you should, it could be a fun exercise. Speaking of fun exercises, though perhaps not really in this circumstance: What's the last thing Shepard ate before the final reaper showdown?

Honestly? It wasn't a lot. The whole crew knew what was going down, they knew that it was unlikely we'd have seen each other again.... And I just couldn't find it in me to confront that. I was busy planning everything and coordinating with Earth's forces, so I just didn't eat when everyone else did. Dr. Chakwas managed to pull me aside though and got me eating once we shared some drinks. It was a nice, proper meal. Fresh meat and vegetables, brought right from the Citadel's markets.

That sounds wonderful, all things considered. It sounds like Dr. Chakwas was a prominent source of comfort within the Normandy's crew. Besides her: Who does Shepard turn to for advice? For comfort? Who do they like to gossip with?

Liara and Garrus.
Even if Liara didn't see a lot of field time beside me, we grew pretty close as she's one of few who has been here since the beginning. At some point, the line was blurred and a few incidential flirts were exchanged, but we readjusted and found ourselves as very close allies.
Garrus and I have a similar dynamic, minus the flirting. Well, mostly. We're really compatible on the field and off it. He's been there through everything.

Aw, how sweet. With all of these interpersonal relationships and emotions about, the viewers want to know: How emotionally articulate is Shepard? Do they emote well?

Ironically, I am awful at trying to talk about my emotions and all that. Opening up has always been a challenge for me, so I don't often say what I actually want to say. I know what I want to say. I know how to describe what I'm feeling. I guess I'm just... stubborn. But that isn't really a surprise. I'm also really bad at hiding that. Like my mom always says: My face gives it away.

And are there any individuals on the crew who draw a bit more of that expressiveness out of you? Any love interests, perhaps?

No, nothing of the sort. I enjoy the relationships I have with my crew, for better or worse, and introducing romance into the mix is not something that interests me. Not that there's anything wrong with that, necessarily, it's just not something I would find beneficial to the crew.

I see. Are there any pet peeves, situational or otherwise, that have prevented this development?

None that influence the lack of romance within the crew, if that's what you're asking. Generally, though, I hate passiveness. If you fuck up, admit to it. If you have something to say, say it. Don't beat around the bush with me, it's not going to get you any favors.

Alright alright, we'll keep that in mind then. So then I'd like to ask: what gets you going in terms of conversation? What's something you could talk about, no matter the person or place?

Well... I wouldn't say anything specific. I'm not one for small talk, but if you ask my opinion on a person, place, or situation, I'll give it. That is what we're doing, isn't it?

Of course. So if you're not a talker, you're a go-getter. At least, we'd presume that's the case. Hard work like yours hardly comes without it. Are you active outside of missions?

Absolutely. You never stop training for things, and it's best to make sure you stay in top shape in case shit hits the fan. I'm something of a... what's the term, gym rat? The crew can almost always find me and Vega down in the cargo bay spotting each other. Remind me to tell you about how I beat him in a pull-up competition.
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