The Kidnapping of Ashley Graham (Resident Evil 4/Remake).

The Kidnapping of Ashley Graham (Resident Evil 4/Remake)


DISCLAIMER: None (Subject to Change)

CONTENT WARNINGS: Kidnapping, Emotional Neglect, Brief Mentions of Rape

The Resident Evil brainrot has been real lately, but especially for Ashley. She’s such an underrated character in my opinion, and it’s sad we don’t see her again after RE4. That said, we also don’t know a lot about her prior to the events of RE4, and I’d like to tune y'all into my thought process regarding her characterization.

These thoughts come from interpreting both the og RE4 dossiers and the RE4RE dossiers, as the former gives a clear cut explanation to things, and the latter gives a more in-depth expansion on these notes.

One thing that I really think is a huge part of Ashley’s characterization is the fact that she comes from a privileged background.

Considering her father was able to secure a seat as the POTUS for two back-to-back terms, we can assume he’s had an extensive political career prior. And, if we look at most American politicians, they tend to have privileged backgrounds. Familial wealth, access to higher education, etc. As for Graham himself, his backstory is giving… George W. Bush. I mean:

Then, on top of that, Graham was actively covering up the Raccoon City incident and working WITH the Umbrella Corporation during the Raccoon Trials (striking deals with Wesker for information). And I’m sure similar happened during the Bush presidency, but I’m not versed in that too much… outside the WoT.

But anyway, back to Ashley.

Her father is a career politician. Her mother is… dead, and he never remarried, so I don’t imagine she’s had a lot of emotional support entering her teen years. And coming from a background like hers, it’s not unlikely that when she has opened up about how she feels, she’s met with adversity. The whole “You have wealth/everything, you literally have nothing to complain about” argument. Which I get, as someone who’s like… very much barely making end’s meet. And as a result of that, I’m sure she’s developed this mindset where she feels guilty for having these “weaknesses” (which I use the term loosely, because wanting meaningful emotional connections is not a weakness).

Then, on top of that… Kind of examining the fanbase’s reactions to her appearance (which is meta and outside of universe, but still), and the fact it was the early 2000s, it’s probably also not a stretch to assume that Ashley had to mature quickly as a conventionally attractive person in a position of status. Any attempts at establishing a meaningful emotional connection, outside of being met with adversity, were most likely met with manipulation. An expectation that she had to give herself (re: her body) to men to make up for her sensitivity. She was mature because she had “appeal” to give. And that’s just a reality for so many women, back then and to this day. We see that mentality both in RE4 and RE4RE, because Ashley’s like… go-to in response to Leon’s efforts to help her is to flirt. To play it up a bit and make moves that she thinks he would like (to which he leans into a bit, but ultimately sets that boundary with her that he doesn’t want or expect that from her).

So with that in mind… I want to shift to the actual kickstarting event of this all: The kidnapping.

We know from both RE4 and RE4RE that Jack Krauser was the one to kidnap Ashley, and that they (the government) considered the event an inside job.

File on Ashley (RE4)

She was kidnapped by an unidentified group while on her way home from university. The kidnapper’s motives are still unknown. Although there’s reliable information that the perpetrator is an insider. Only a handful of people know about this kidnapping. It’s been kept under wraps mostly due to the fact that we can’t determine who the traitor is. The guys in intelligence say they have reliable information that Ashley’s been sighted somewhere in Europe. But until we find out who the insider is, I don’t know what to believe. It could be a ploy. We have very few leads as to the whereabouts of Ashley. But members of the Secret Service and anyone related to Ashley are being questioned by an investigative team. Even active agents are being investigated for any information. It’s just a matter [of time] before the kidnapper is exposed.

File on Ashley (RE4RE)

Contact was suddenly lost with the subject as she made her way home from campus. Soon after, she along with her ex-military bodyguards were reported missing. Upon further investigation, it was determined that she was kidnapped by an organized group and a team was convened. Our intelligence department has confirmed several sightings of the subject in a remote village located in a mountainous region of Europe. One agent was specifically chosen for the task.

Additional Info:

- We have confirmed that the perpetrators received help from an insider. To prevent leaks, this operation will be kept strictly confidential.

- Local law enforcement have been brought on board and are providing assistance.

What’s implied with these notes, and what we know, is that Krauser himself was the insider.

Which would make sense considering Krauser’s position in the military, and his proximity work with Leon prior to the Los Illuminados Incident (re: Operation Javier, which happened in 2002). It’s likely he’s met Ashley before when being briefed on these missions (considering he was a part of USSOCOM and was the one to train Leon). He would be one of few people to have the ability to gain classified information on her routines and whereabouts if he really needed, and it’s entirely possible he might have done prep work prior to faking his death and employing himself with Wesker (that, or he had unnamed contacts who could slide him that information when the task was assigned).

Either way, Krauser had a thought out plan and very easy access to Ashley.

Ashley Graham’s Abduction (Jack’s Dossier; RE4RE)

Phase 1: Depart from campus with the target. Escort the target as usual until the start of Phase 2. There should be three others inside the vehicle, including Baker. Able’s unit will follow behind you in a separate vehicle. Continue to drive your normal route.

Phase 2: Stop the vehicle under pretense of engine trouble. Transfer the target to Able’s vehicle.

Phase 3: Able’s unit will change course. Subdue and restrain the target. Place the target in a large container.

Phase 4: Baker’s unit will create a diversion. Henry’s unit will infiltrate the investigation’s database and disable their network.

Phase 5: Meet at point K9 and transfer the cargo onto the ship.

And that shit hurts to think about, especially if Ashley was someone who could recognize Krauser (and potentially find security in him). Like. Setting the scene here:

It’s probably evening or sometime at night (that’s one of the best times to make a move; fewer witnesses and more cover). Ashley’s a young woman walking back to her dorm. She’s not alone per se, because she does have bodyguards, but are they visible? Or are they tailing? How much attention does someone like Ashley have on her during times like this? Either way, it’s scary. We all know what happens to women just trying to exist in public spaces (especially if they’re perceived as being alone)… So she sees Krauser, and probably feels a wave of relief! He’s a familiar face. He wouldn’t hurt her, right? Wrong. He would. He probably made a casual approach to avoid raising suspicion, then grabbed her.

What is the first thing you think went through Ash’s mind? Probably the all too common scenario. ‘Oh God, I’m about to be sexually assaulted’.

Except she isn’t. And for that, there’s probably a bit of relief before a nauseating pit of panic sets in. If that’s not what he wants, then what the fuck is going on? There’s suddenly more men around her. She’s being shoved into a vehicle. She doesn’t know where they’re going. Her team was (probably) killed. And then that realization hits that she can’t call for help, and nobody is coming for her. Nobody saw it.

Then, everything with Los Illuminados happens. That shit is TRAUMATIC. She has no idea where she is or who she’s with. She has no idea what they want with her, besides talks of infecting her with… God knows what. She’s constantly disrespected and insulted, and she has her autonomy violated (again, barring sexual assault, it’s more so regarding being moved around like some sort of trophy).

That’s why she has that initial reaction that she does to Leon. Sure, he MIGHT be a familiar face to some extent, but she’s learned quick that she cannot trust that. If she’s seen him, she still doesn’t know his intentions. And then, when she does learn them, she feels like she has to overcompensate for her own inabilities (re: the previous points about emotional neglect, sensitivity, and flirtations).

Ashley is just… such a fascinating character. She deserves the world after everything.