Dev Log!


Decided to make a dedicated page continuing the contents of my sidebar box, since a lot of my updates are more minimal. Plus, I figured it'd be fun to kinda "journal" my journey learning how to deal with HTML! That... and honestly updating the sidebar/navbar is annoying bc I have to navigate through every existing page on this site to copy-paste the code (I am a bit lazy lol). This won't include new postings of bios/fics/etc.

Anyway! This will include a to-do list section & an updates section, as shown below.



May 2, 2024: Created this page, added all WIP OCs to my characters page, updated the navbar to include a link to my Social Justice Spotlight content. Began adding links to the new Social Justice Spotlight, but did not finish this process due to eyestrain and physical health.

May 3, 2024: Took the day off because I've been having migraines throughout last night and today. Same problems as yesterday, lot of eyestrain and pain right around that area. They haven't gotten better with medication, so I'll be taking tomorrow off well.

May 4, 2024: May the Fourth be with you! Spent today resting and playing SWTOR while bed-bound.

May 5, 2024: Happy Revenge of the Fifth! I worked outside and around the home today, but I also went through and made more work on updating the Social Justice Spotlight content. I chipped away where I could, and re-did the Carrd to have a link to this new hub of information. Also added to Commander Shepard interviews page. Also also watched the Miami Grand Prix today, congrats Lando Norris for getting his first career win! Added a bit to my About talking about the drivers I cheer on, for any other fans!

May 6,2024: FINISHED the Social Justice Spotlight transfer, even though I started work on it much later into the day. Spent most of the actual day grooming my dog (bath, haircut, nail trim; she got the works). I started watching the Fallout series on Amazon Prime! I may have to make a coherent review and put it into my writings tab... Maybe.

May 7, 2024: Reformatted the dates here! Also added a few more things to the Social Justice Spotlight. Mostly tinkered around adding to different smaller things while ranting to my partner about the aforementioned series. I will be deconstructing it in a fuller review, actually.

May 10, 2024: Added a Not Found page, since apparently you can customize that? Very cool! Now, if you try a URL that doesn't work, you should get a funky little guy on your screen.

May 14, 2024: Added all my existing OCs to the Characters page, which means the only thing I have left to do with them is transfer the bios I have from Google Sites.

May 16, 2024: Added an art gallery! It's tucked under my Creative Corner dropdown menu... Which means I had to go back and update every page again to reflect the new navigation. Also made minor changes to my RP Hub page, such as redacting my hiatus status, making sure my Tumblr link worked, and adding a link to my OC page.

May 18, 2024: Signed up to become a part of FurryRing! Added the widget to my main page. Also added a few new resources to the Social Justice Spotlight.

May 27, 2024: Not much of a site update, but! I've been busy helping a close friend with her thesis, and that's really cool. But I have noticed a small loading delay on the main page of this site. I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, because my code looks fine (I think). It may be a js issue with the FurryRing widget, so please bear with it! I apologize for any inconvinience. It's a known issue afaik.

May 28, 2024: Added Hitman to my fandoms list because I forgot to.

May 29, 2024: Considered adding a gifs gallery to my Art page, but realized I simply did not have the storage for it (and didn't want to risk losing the ability to edit this site via not paying the monthly subscription). That said, here's a piece of trivia for you: I have made over 160 Hitman (video game) gifs this year... so far.

June 1, 2024: Happy Pride! Updated my homepage for the month, but will probably keep the layout because I find it cute. Simplified the home page, added Heaven Will Be Mine (HWBM) to my fandoms list, and began adding quotes from it onto my about page!

June 6, 2024: Reformatted the few OC biographies I had uploaded to the site to follow the rest of my site's themeing. It's easier for me to edit that way. Which means I'm more likely to actually finish transferring my OCs here-

June 7, 2024: Worked on adding more OC pages between dealing with surprise Tumblr notoriety (called out the site's transmisogyny). Also removed the chatbox as it wasn't working! So that once again meant I had to re-update every single page on the site... whoops!

June 11, 2024: Amended the link on my writings page re: Fics for Gaza, as Tumblr has deleted my post without warning and without reason (amid their mass banning of Palestinians this week for "spam and harassment" by asking for help during a genocide).